Below are some of the questions that our media ask frequently about Inter Tourism Expo Accra, (iNTTA2024) we hope you find them useful.

We are interested to become a media partner for Inter Tourism Expo Accra. Who do we get in touch with?

Thank you for your ongoing support for iNTTA2024. Please feel free to get in touch with our Marketing team at for further guidance.

I am interested in becoming a hosted journalist for iNTTA 2024. How do I submit my application for hosted media?

It's mandatory to be a media partner of Inter Tourism Expo Accra to qualify for a hosted journalist. Please feel free to contact our Marketing Team at for more information on the application process.

We are a media partner of iNTTA 2024. Does this mean we automatically hold accredited media status for iNTTA 2024?

As a media partner, you will still need to register to apply for a pass for Inter Tourism Expo Accra. You would receive an email from our Marketing Team at to register.

For non-media partner of iNTTA 2024, you may pre-register as accredited media online closer to the show date. Alternatively, you may register on-site with proof of your journalist/editorial position during the show.

What is media accreditation?

Editors and journalists interested in attending iNTTA 2024 are entitled to a media pass. However, proof of their status as a valid media would be required for the application. Interested parties may pre-register prior to the event or on-site during the event days

What entitlements does a media pass have?

A media pass would provide journalists and editors access to 3 days of the show including entry to the exhibition hall, conferences and press conferences. Medias would also be able to access the media center in the hall.

How do I sign up to be accredited media?

You may preregister as accredited media online closer to the show date. Alternatively, you may register on-site with proof of your journalist/editorial position during the show.

When will the online link to pre-register for media accreditation be open?

The online link to pre-register for media accreditation will be open in July. Please emails at for any updates.

I would like to set up an interview with the spokesperson for iNTTA 2024 during the show. Can I do this via the appointments system?

To set-up any press interviews with our spokesperson for iNTTA 2024, please kindly contact our Press Team at for further arrangements.

I have successful pre-registered as accredited media. How do I set up appointments with exhibitors?

Unfortunately, media(s) are not entitled to set up appointments with exhibitors and buyers.

Following confirmation of your media accreditation status, interested exhibitors and speakers will be able to set up appointments with you via the online system. Inter Tourism Expo Accra will send your log-in details for you to access the online system to confirm appointments. If you’re having any issues with the system, please feel free to get in touch with our Marketing team at for further guidance.